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5 ways to establish boundaries to protect your health & wellness


I'm not going to lie, I wasn't the best with boundaries at home. One of my biggest weaknesses was taking on too much - and somehow getting it all done, but with the consequence of destroying my physical and emotional health. I stopped living that way several years ago. I started facing my fears that revolved around no boundaries - the people pleasing, the fear of rejection, the fear of disappointing someone. All those had to be overcome. In essence, my physical health was falling apart because I believed I would be abandoned by my family. I worried too much about failing them. It was all stuff from the past, but it kept creeping back into my life. I wish I would have had these reminders in my back pocket twenty years ago. When enough is enough, adopt these skills as your mantras... Keep them close, and carry on.

  1. Never, ever, allow others to drive your behavior. Stop yourself in your tracks and ask yourself, "Why am I doing this?" Once you know the answer, it will help you decide if it's actually good for you, the community, and the world. Notice who is first in line there.

  2. If you are doing something that is not good for you, the community, and the world, stop yourself and ask, "WHY am I doing this? What purpose does this serve in my life. Turn off the autopilot and get back into control of your decisions.

  3. Give yourself grace. It's ok that you overwhelmed yourself AGAIN. It's ok, you're learning every day. It's ok to rest and walk away for a moment. You will see it differently after you've given yourself time to respond.

  4. Establishing boundaries at work and personally are two very different things. You can be a boss at work and have zero boundaries in your personal life, or vice versa. Taking a look at each area of your life is valuable and important! It is one of the biggest reasons why people seek out a session with me - zero personal boundaries and yet they are very successful in their careers. Start slow with boundaries for yourself - how much sleep do you need. How much time do you want for ___________ (fill in the important things in your life) write it all down.

  5. Don't be afraid to ask for help. There are many, many resources out there for self improvement. One of the most effective ways to achieving lasting change is to have a coach... Someone who can listen deeply and be fully present for you. Someone who reminds you of how far you've come when you have completely forgotten. Someone who will also keep you on track so you can achieve your goals.

Believing YOU are worth it is the first step in a positive direction. Belief in yourself has to be nourished by everyone in your life. As I've said so many times before, "Everyone deserves a life coach." Which means you should have one too! And FYI the worst type of coach is a person who is supportive half the time and cuts you off at the knees the other half. That is never going to give you

There are many ways to access coaching.... In person, Zoom, and phone coaching. Affordable options that are life changing in ways I can't explain. You just have to take a chance on yourself! Which one is right for you?

Wildfire Dreams is full service coaching. We provide in person equine gestalt coaching, zoom coaching, and phone coaching. Are you ready to take the first step in improving your life? email today!



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