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Life lessons 2024


Looking back on 2024, I hope there are many things you are proud of. I hope there are many wonderful experiences you've had... I hope you acknowledge each of them. Did you know there are 8,760 hours and 525,600 minutes in a year. When you subtract sleep, there are about 5,840 hours left. Five thousand, eight hundred, forty hours of life you've lived. Twenty years ago, our second child was born. Where does the time go? This painting is of a time when we would spend many hours in the evenings holding each other, watching the moon and the stars. Here are my take aways from 2024:

  • It's ok to be in love with many things.

  • Our worth has nothing to do with our occupation or how hard we work. If I am alive, I am worthy of this life... I am worthy of every good thing in my life. I am worthy. I am worthy.

  • It is easy to fall into a trap of negative self talk - climbing out is the hard part, but the rules you live by for yourself will keep you from falling back in. Actually, the trap completely disappears once you make those rules.

  • Honoring your self and taking the best care of yourself is the highest form of discipline.

  • Do not lie to yourself... It only keeps you stuck.

  • Awareness comes with time - and the work involved in developing your awareness. Be patient with yourself.

  • There's no sense in comparing yourself with others - it only leads to doubt.

  • Trust in your intuition - it's part of your special skill set!

  • Let go of resentment, anger, jealousy, and pride... the causes of these feelings can be taken away in one moment. Why hang on to feelings that deteriorate our heart's glow.

  • Our mind is a messy thing... Clearing away the cobwebs, creating new habits that serve us, not hurt us is fully possible - and truly the best gift we can give ourselves.

  • There's a saying.... the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting different results... TRUTH

  • You don't know what you don't know... Get out there and learn!

  • Rules for doing: Is what you're doing good for you? If you can answer yes, move to the next question. Is what you're doing good for your family? If you can answer yes, move to the next question. Is what you're doing good for the planet? If you can answer yes to all three questions, you know it's the right thing to do. If you cannot, think of something else to do.

  • Rest as much as possible. Your body needs rest to work on systems you don't even think about.

  • What we see for our life is exactly what we will have in our life.

  • Be kind to your one precious heart

  • Give yourself grace instead of grief

  • Know your guiding principles, your values.

    There was a time when I thought that praying was selfish... That it was a way for a person to feel good about what they were doing when really what they were doing was quieting their own mind instead of acting on ways to help others. I know better now. I understand that praying is sometimes the only thing I can do because I do not have control over any part of the situation. For instance, a war in another country. How many of us are praying for the mothers that have their children blown up in front of them, or hold their babies as they suffer with injury, infection, or disease. How many of us pray for someone we don't live near or no longer have contact with. I know I do - but once again, I feel selfish sometimes because it keeps me from reaching out to them instead. Do you see where things can get so easily mixed up in our minds.

    Praying is a meditation for the good of this world and the hope that things will improve. Praying is not about receiving. It is about sending. Sending our hopes should not diminish our will to take action where we can. My prayers for you and everyone in this world is that we feel into our hearts this time of year, accept each and every part of us - that is not only light, but also dark and truly begin to believe. Believe in the power of potential. Believe in taking steps towards the vision of your best life. Believe in the fact that if you are here, there's a reason and most likely it is not the reason you think. Someone out there needs your existence in order for them to feel inspired, feel loved, and welcome in this strange yet amazing world. Love & Light, Carolyne



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